弗罗里达州母亲在将自己和两个孩子用汽油浇上汽油并放火烧了他们之后,被控犯有谋杀罪。 Florida mother charged with murder after dousing herself and her two children in gasoline and setting them on fire.
一名26岁的佛罗里达母亲Esther Thelus被指控犯有谋杀和谋杀未遂罪,据称她用汽油浇她和她的两个孩子并放火烧了他们。 A 26-year-old Florida mother, Esther Thelus, is charged with murder and attempted murder after allegedly dousing herself and her two children in gasoline and setting them on fire. 她最小的孩子8个月大,两个月后因严重烧伤而死亡,而她两岁大的孩子则幸存下来。 Her youngest child, eight months old, died two months later from severe burns, while her two-year-old survived. 11月12日, Thelus被严重烧伤,现在住院,并面临法庭听证会。 Thelus, critically burned, is hospitalized and faces a court hearing on November 12. 监控录像显示她从7 -11购买了事件所需材料。 Surveillance footage shows her purchasing the materials needed for the incident from a 7-Eleven.