研究修正将黑塑料用具中有毒化学品的健康风险降低到安全限值的8.3%。 Study correction lowers health risk of toxic chemicals in black plastic utensils to 8.3% of safe limit.
最近的一项研究警告说,用回收电子产品制成的黑色塑料用具可能会释放有毒阻燃剂,引起健康问题。 A recent study warned that black plastic utensils made from recycled electronics could release toxic flame retardants, raising health concerns. 然而,后来发现,这项研究有重大的数学错误,高估了风险。 However, it was later found that the study had a significant mathematical error, overestimating the risk. 经更正的接触水平现在比最初报告的83%低得多,安全限值为8.3%。 The corrected exposure level is now much lower, at 8.3% of the safe limit, rather than the initially reported 83%. 尽管有这一修正,研究人员仍然主张制定更严格的条例,以确保塑料生产中更安全的材料。 Despite this correction, researchers still advocate for stricter regulations to ensure safer materials in plastic production.