研究显示,在南加利福尼亚州,有毒空气中的增塑剂(包括违禁化学品)不断受到接触。 Study reveals ongoing exposure to toxic airborne plasticizers, including banned chemicals, in Southern California.
UC Riverside进行的一项研究发现,南加利福尼亚州有毒空气中的增塑剂含量很高,包括DINP、DEHP和DEHT等禁用化学品。 A study by UC Riverside found high levels of toxic airborne plasticizers in Southern California, including banned chemicals like DiNP, DEHP, and DEHT. 研究人员使用手腕带跟踪学生的接触情况,发现这些有害物质的持久性浓度。 Researchers used wristbands to track exposure among students, revealing persistent concentrations of these harmful substances. 调查结果强调了对广泛存在增塑剂的关切,并强调迫切需要采用塑料替代品,以减少环境和健康风险。 The findings underscore concerns over the widespread presence of plasticizers and highlight the urgent need for alternatives to plastic to reduce environmental and health risks.