自2025年2月1日起, Snapchat测试新的创造者货币化方案,有超过50,000名追随者。 Snapchat tests new monetization program for creators with over 50,000 followers starting Feb 1, 2025.
Snapchat正在测试一个统一的创作者货币化计划, 从2025年2月1日开始, Snapchat is testing a unified monetization program for creators that will earn revenue from ads in Stories and Spotlight posts starting February 1, 2025. 要获得资格,创作者必须至少有50 000名追随者,每月25次,并达到观点或观察时间基准。 To qualify, creators must have at least 50,000 followers, post 25 times per month, and meet view or watchtime benchmarks. 这一更新遵循TikTok和YouTube的类似变化,与内容创作者简化货币化的趋势相一致。 This update follows similar changes by TikTok and YouTube, aligning with trends in simplified monetization for content creators.