半卡车撞入卡拉马佐的电线杆,造成停电和道路关闭;司机逃离。 Semi-truck crashes into power pole in Kalamazoo, causing outages and road closures; driver flees.
星期一晚上,一辆半卡车撞入卡拉马佐北公园街的电杆,造成停电和道路关闭。 A semi-truck crashed into a power pole on North Park Street in Kalamazoo on Monday evening, causing power outages and road closures. 司机在下午6时左右逃离现场。 消费者能源公司正在努力修复损坏物,但预计会延误。 The driver fled the scene around 6 p.m. Consumers Energy is working to repair the damage but expects delays. 当局建议驾车者在周二清晨前 避开Bessie和Lulu街之间的地区。 Authorities advise motorists to avoid the area between Bessie and Lulu Streets until early Tuesday morning.