3月12日,一辆卡车撞上弗农卡拉马尔卡湖路的电线杆,导致道路封闭,导致数千人停电。 On March 12, a truck crashed into a power pole on Vernon's Kalamalka Lake Road, closing the road and causing a power outage for thousands.
3 月 12 日,一辆卡车撞上弗农卡拉马尔卡湖路的电线杆,导致道路于下午 4 点左右关闭。 A truck crashed into a power pole on Vernon's Kalamalka Lake Road on March 12, closing the road around 4 p.m. 这起事件发生在陶器路交叉口附近,导致该地区交通中断和数千名居民停电。 The incident occurred near the Pottery Road intersection, causing traffic disruptions and a power outage for thousands of residents in the area. 紧急救援人员封闭了 6 号高速公路和陶器路之间的道路,截至晚上 7 点,道路仍处于封闭状态。 Emergency crews closed the road between Highway 6 and Pottery Road, and as of 7 p.m., the road remained closed.