2月27日,绿湾南阿什兰大道和西摩法院发生卡车撞车事故,导致交通灯中断,要求司机将受影响的十字路口视为四向停靠站,并使用南百老汇作为绕道。 On February 27, a truck crash at South Ashland Avenue and Seymour Court in Green Bay caused traffic light outages, requiring drivers to treat affected intersections as four-way stops and use South Broadway as a detour.
2月27日,绿湾南阿什兰大道和西摩法院发生一起卡车与电线杆相撞的事故,导致该地区交通灯中断。 A crash involving a truck and a power pole on February 27 at South Ashland Avenue and Seymour Court in Green Bay caused traffic light outages in the area. 当局已要求司机将受影响的十字路口视为四向停靠站,并使用南百老汇作为绕道。 Authorities have asked drivers to treat affected intersections as four-way stops and to use South Broadway as a detour. 公用事业工作人员预计将在现场停留几个小时,警方将继续调查这起事故。 Utility workers are expected to be at the scene for several hours, and police continue to investigate the crash.