向社交媒体明星Shalini Passi颁发“年度印度奖”。 Savita Chhabra, head of cosmetics firm HRIPL, presented an "Indian of the Year" award to social media star Shalini Passi.
Savita Chhabra,普夫特卫生研究所创始人。 Savita Chhabra, founder of Hygienic Research Institute Pvt. Limited(HRIPL)于12月6日在新德里参加了2024年印度NDTV颁奖仪式。 Limited (HRIPL), attended the NDTV Indian of the Year 2024 Awards on December 6th in New Delhi. 她将“2024年的突破影响者”奖颁给网友Shalini Passi。 At the event, she presented the "Breakthrough Influencer of the Year 2024" award to internet sensation Shalini Passi. 以美貌和个人护理产品闻名的HRIPL自1957年以来一直是该行业的领先者。 HRIPL, known for its beauty and personal care products, has been a leader in the industry since 1957.