联合企业创始人Sajjid Mitha博士被命名为Forbes India的2024年200名特选企业家之一。 Dr. Sajjid Mitha, founder of Polymerupdate, is named one of Forbes India's Select 200 Entrepreneurs for 2024.
作为聚合物和石化工业市场情报平台的聚合物和石化工业创始人Sajjid Mitha博士被命名为2024年福布斯印度200名特选企业家之一。 Dr. Sajjid Mitha, founder of Polymerupdate, a market intelligence platform for the polymers and petrochemicals industry, has been named one of Forbes India's Select 200 Entrepreneurs for 2024. 这一认识突出了他的领导能力、创新以及对全球工业的影响。 This recognition highlights his leadership, innovation, and impact on the global industry. 在他的领导下,聚合式更新为70多个国家的利益攸关方提供了实时数据和洞察力,强调环境、社会和公司治理。 Under his leadership, Polymerupdate offers real-time data and insights to stakeholders in over 70 countries, emphasizing environmental, social, and corporate governance.