Biocon创始人Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw获得著名的Jamsetji Tata生物科学贡献奖。 Biocon founder Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw receives prestigious Jamsetji Tata Award for biosciences contributions.
Biocon创始人Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw因为印度生物科学产业做出重大贡献, 获印度质量学会嘉姆塞吉·塔塔奖。 Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, founder of Biocon, has received the prestigious Jamsetji Tata Award from the Indian Society for Quality for her significant contributions to India's biosciences industry. 该奖项于2004年设立,表彰对印度社会产生积极影响的商界领袖。 Established in 2004, the award honors business leaders who have positively impacted Indian society. Mazumdar-Shaw是一位著名的生物技术企业家,因其在保健和慈善领域的工作获得了许多奖项。 Mazumdar-Shaw, a renowned biotech entrepreneur, has been recognized with numerous awards for her work in healthcare and philanthropy.