在对袭击和动乱的恐惧中,核燃料销售激增,引发了安全和安保辩论。 Nuclear bunker sales surge amid fears of attacks and unrest, prompting safety and security debates.
全球核舱载燃料销售量正在上升,预计到2030年美国市场将增长到1.75亿美元,原因是担心核攻击和内乱。 Nuclear bunker sales are rising globally, with the U.S. market expected to grow to $175 million by 2030, driven by fears of nuclear attacks and civil unrest. 批评者认为,这些掩体给人一种虚假的安全感,政府专家建议留在地下室或坚固的建筑里,以避免放射性坠落。 Critics argue that these bunkers give a false sense of security, and government experts recommend staying in a basement or strong building to avoid radioactive fallout. 防扩散倡导者强调,消除核武器是确保安全的唯一途径。 Nonproliferation advocates stress that eliminating nuclear weapons is the only way to ensure safety.