瑞士将以900万美元的价格升级冷战时期的掩体, Switzerland to upgrade Cold War bunkers for 9 million, investing $250M amid global tensions.
瑞士计划将其冷战时期的核掩体现代化,供900万居民使用,包括外国人和难民,因为乌克兰战争以来全球紧张局势不断加剧。 Switzerland plans to modernize its Cold War-era nuclear bunkers for its 9 million residents, including foreigners and refugees, amid rising global tensions since the Ukraine war. 1963年的一项法律保证每个人在掩体内有一个防止炸弹和核辐射的场所。 A 1963 law guarantees each person a spot in a bunker to protect against bombs and nuclear radiation. 政府将投资2.5亿美元, 更新过时的避难所, 以提升国家应对冲突的能力。 The government will invest $250 million to upgrade the outdated shelters to boost the country's preparedness in case of conflict.