北方列车警告旅行者今年要尊重182起破坏公共秩序罪的工作人员。 Northern Trains warns travelers to respect staff amid 182 public order offences this year.
北部列车(英国运营商)敦促圣诞旅行者尊重员工, 引述今年182起扰乱公共秩序罪, 比去年减少15%, Northern Trains, a UK operator, urges Christmas travelers to respect staff, citing 182 public order offences this year, down 15% from last year. 自2021年以来,记录了745起犯罪行为,其中73起导致定罪。 Since 2021, 745 offences have been recorded, with 73 leading to convictions. 2021年,为了遏制此类事件,北方引进了尸体雕刻的相机。 Northern introduced body-worn cameras in 2021 to curb such incidents. 公司鼓励乘客向英国运输警察举报不当行为。 The company encourages passengers to report misconduct to British Transport Police.