新西兰的最低工资提高到23.50美元,但通货膨胀将导致实际工资下降。 New Zealand's minimum wage rises to $23.50, but inflation will lead to a real-terms decrease.
新西兰政府已宣布从2025年4月起,将最低工资提高到每小时23.50加元,即提高1.5%。 New Zealand's government has announced a 1.5% increase in the minimum wage to $23.50 per hour, effective April 2025. 不过,这一增长低于预测的2%的通货膨胀率,导致最低工资工人的实际工资削减。 However, this increase is less than the forecasted 2% inflation rate, resulting in a real-terms wage cut for minimum wage workers. 新西兰工会理事会批评这项决定,认为它使低收入者的财务状况恶化。 The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions criticizes this decision, arguing it worsens the financial situation of low-income earners. 同时,雇主支持这一增加,指出它为企业调整预算提供了时间。 Meanwhile, employers support the increase, noting it provides time for businesses to adjust their budgets. 政府声称,略有增加有助于支助工人,同时限制企业成本。 The government claims the modest increase helps support workers while limiting costs on businesses.