新西兰从1月起在排放计划中将森林所有者的年度收费削减50%。 New Zealand cuts forest owners' annual fees by 50% in emissions scheme, effective January.
新西兰政府确认排放量交易计划(排放交易计划)将森林所有者的年费减少50%,从每年每公顷30.25美元降至14.90美元。 New Zealand's government has confirmed a 50% reduction in the annual fee for forest owners in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), lowering it from $30.25 to $14.90 per hectare per year. 这一行动于2025年1月生效,旨在重建对林业部门的信心,支持林业部门在实现排放目标方面的作用。 The move, effective January 2025, aims to rebuild confidence in the forestry sector and support its role in meeting emissions targets. 减少的原因是对上届政府增加的费用感到关切。 The reduction follows concerns over increased costs imposed by the previous government.