新西兰对将农田转为林业以保护粮食生产和援助性排放交易实行限制。 New Zealand imposes limits on converting farmland to forestry to protect food production and aid emissions trading.
新西兰已宣布新的规则,限制将农田转为林业,以保护粮食生产,并为排放交易计划提供确定性。 New Zealand has announced new rules to limit converting farmland to forestry to protect food production and provide certainty for the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). 关键措施包括暂停在积极耕种的土地上进行林业登记,每年最多15 000公顷用于生产效率较低的土地上的林业,允许为ETS种植不超过25%的农场。 Key measures include a moratorium on forestry registrations on actively farmed land, an annual cap of 15,000 hectares for forestry on less productive land, and allowing up to 25% of a farm to be planted for the ETS. 该立法定于2025年出台,并于2025年10月生效。 The legislation is set to be introduced in 2025 and take effect in October 2025.