男子在卡尔加里机场被捕,试图将12公斤可卡因运往联合王国。 Man arrested at Calgary airport trying to ship 12 kg of cocaine to UK.
一名29岁的不列颠哥伦比亚省居民Justin Harry Carl Beck在卡尔加里国际机场被捕,原因是他企图向联合王国出口12公斤可卡因。 A 29-year-old British Columbia resident, Justin Harry Carl Beck, was arrested at Calgary International Airport for attempting to export 12 kg of pressed cocaine to the UK. 加拿大边境事务局在他行李中发现了毒品和跟踪装置。 The Canada Border Services Agency discovered the drugs and a tracking device in his luggage. Beck面临出口和持有贩运受管制物质的指控,并定于2025年5月6日出庭。 Beck faces charges of exporting and possessing a controlled substance for trafficking and is set to appear in court on May 6, 2025.