德里的法学院学生抗议考试拖延,与警察发生冲突,导致考试延期。 Law students in Delhi protest for exam delay, clash with police, lead to exam postponement.
德里大学法学院法律系学生提出抗议,要求延长为期10天的考试,因为上课时间不足。 Law students at Delhi University's Law Faculty protested, demanding a 10-day extension for exams due to insufficient class time. 他们封锁出口,阻止教职人员离开,导致警察干预。 They blocked exits, preventing faculty from leaving, leading to police intervention. 学生声称警察使用了武力,但德里警察否认了这些说法。 Students claimed police used force, but the Delhi Police denied these claims. 考试已被推迟,新的日期将公布。 The exams have been postponed, with new dates to be announced.