达卡大学学生冲突、要求辞职、独立大学停课。 Students at Dhaka University clash, demand resignations and an independent university, halting classes.
孟加拉国达卡大学附属七所政府学院的学生正在抗议,并就若干要求发出四小时的最后通牒,包括副首相马蒙·艾哈迈德辞职和建立一所独立大学。 Students from seven government colleges affiliated with Dhaka University in Bangladesh are protesting and have issued a four-hour ultimatum for several demands, including the resignation of the Pro-Vice Chancellor Mamun Ahmed and the establishment of an independent university. 这些学生与达卡大学学生之间的冲突导致所有班级和考试在星期一被推迟。 Clashes between these students and Dhaka University students led to the postponement of all classes and exams on Monday. 当局正在敦促对话,以解决这一局势。 Authorities are urging dialogue to resolve the situation.