德城Tenn的珠宝店,劫匪撞车;工作人员被击退,一名嫌犯被抓获。 Jewelry store in Germantown, Tenn., robbers crashed vehicle; staff shot back, one suspect captured.
在田纳西州的德国城,一家珠宝店Bob Richards Jewelers在星期一下午1时左右遭到抢劫未遂袭击。 使用了两辆汽车,一辆撞入商店。 In Germantown, Tennessee, a jewelry store, Bob Richards Jewelers, was targeted in a robbery attempt on Monday around 1 p.m. Two vehicles were used, with one crashing into the store. 工作人员鸣枪反击,一名疑犯在押时受枪伤。 Staff members fired shots in response, and one suspect is in custody with a gunshot wound. 警方正在调查,没有工作人员受伤的报道。 Police are investigating, and no staff injuries were reported.