费城唐人街珠宝店被抢劫 嫌犯偷了四盘金首饰 Philadelphia Chinatown jewelry store robbed, suspect steals four trays of gold jewelry.
唐人街一家费城珠宝店 星期三下午被抢劫 A Philadelphia jewelry store in Chinatown was robbed on Wednesday afternoon. 嫌犯持枪威胁店主的妻子,用锤子砸碎玻璃箱,偷走四盘金首饰。 The suspect, armed with a gun, threatened the store owner's wife and used a hammer to break a glass case, stealing four trays of gold jewelry. 嫌犯被看见穿着白面罩和白运动鞋,背着橙色袋。 The suspect was seen wearing a white mask and white sneakers, carrying an orange bag. 警方正在进行调查,店主计划加强安全措施。 The police investigation is ongoing, and the store owner plans to increase safety measures.