武装叛乱分子闯入意大利驻大马士革大使官邸,偷车, Armed rebels breached Italy's ambassador's residence in Damascus, stealing cars, amid reports of Assad's flee.
武装叛乱分子据报与伊斯兰团体有关联,闯入意大利驻大马士革大使官邸花园,偷走三辆汽车。 Armed rebels, reportedly linked to Islamist groups, broke into the garden of Italy's ambassador's residence in Damascus, stealing three cars. 事件发生时,据报反叛分子夺取了对叙利亚首都的控制,迫使阿萨德总统逃离。 The incident occurred amid reports that rebels had seized control of the Syrian capital, forcing President Assad to flee. 意大利外交部长安东尼奥·塔哈尼向大使和工作人员保证,他们不受伤害。 Italy's Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, assured that the ambassador and staff were unharmed. 该部呼吁叙利亚实现和平过渡,并准备在必要时撤离意大利人。 The ministry called for a peaceful transition in Syria and is prepared to evacuate Italians if needed.