国税局未能提醒家长注意儿童税务身份失窃,使儿童面临欺诈。 IRS fails to alert parents of children's tax identity theft, leaving kids exposed to fraud.
国税局在其子女的身份被用于税务欺诈时没有通知父母,使儿童易受身份盗窃之害。 The IRS is failing to notify parents when their children's identities are used for tax fraud, leaving kids vulnerable to identity theft. 许多儿童,特别是被寄养的儿童,由于缺乏活跃的税收账户而成为受害者,社会保障管理局在发布新号码前不检查欺诈行为。 Many children, especially those in foster care, are victims due to a lack of active tax accounts, and the Social Security Administration doesn't check for fraud before issuing new numbers. 这导致一些新生儿的信用记录很差。 This results in some newborns having bad credit histories. 专家建议改革,例如提醒家长和锁住未成年人的信用档案,但政府没有采取行动。 Experts suggest reforms like alerting parents and locking minors' credit files, but the government has not taken action.