国税局处理身份盗窃案件进展缓慢,影响了低收入纳税人和贷款获取。 IRS slow in addressing identity theft cases, affecting low-income taxpayers and loan access.
美国国税局监督机构报告称,该机构在处理身份盗窃案件方面仍然进展缓慢,这种拖延被描述为“不合理的”。 An IRS watchdog reports that the agency is still too slow in addressing identity theft cases, with delays described as "unconscionable". 对于依靠退款支付日常开支和医疗费用的低收入纳税人来说,这些延误尤其具有挑战性。 These delays are particularly challenging for low-income taxpayers who rely on refunds for daily expenses and medical bills. 身份盗窃受害者可能还会难以获得某些贷款。 Identity theft victims may also struggle to secure certain loans. 美国国税局从《通胀削减法案》中获得了 800 亿美元,但这笔资金很容易受到削减。 The IRS received $80bn from the Inflation Reduction Act, but this funding is vulnerable to potential cutbacks.