2023年,由于厄尔尼诺现象造成的国内供应问题,印度尼西亚稻米进口猛增62%。 Indonesia's rice imports surged 62% in 2023 due to domestic supply issues from El Niño.
印尼稻米进口量从2023年1月至11月猛增62%, 达385万吨, 价值23.6亿美元。 Indonesia's rice imports jumped 62% from January to November 2023, reaching 3.85 million tons, valued at $2.36 billion. 进口商品主要来自泰国、越南、缅甸、巴基斯坦和印度。 The imports mainly came from Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Pakistan, and India. 进口猛增是由于与厄尔尼诺有关的收获失败造成的国内供应问题。 The surge in imports was due to domestic supply issues caused by El Nino-related harvest failures. 尽管存在这些挑战,印度尼西亚政府仍打算明年生产3 200万吨稻米,以实现粮食自给自足。 Despite these challenges, the Indonesian government aims to produce 32 million tons of rice next year to achieve food self-sufficiency.