印度尼西亚的稻米库存达到800万吨,旨在实现自给自足和控制通货膨胀。 Indonesia reaches eight million tons of rice stock, aiming for self-sufficiency and controlling inflation.
印度尼西亚的稻米存量已达800万吨,消除了进口需求。 Indonesia's rice stock has reached eight million tons, eliminating the need for imports. 政府的目标是在2025年生产3 200万吨稻米,略高于国内需求。 The government aims to produce 32 million tons of rice in 2025, slightly exceeding domestic needs. 普拉博沃·Subianto总统强调了粮食自给自足对控制通货膨胀的重要性,并赞扬为促进国家粮食安全所作的努力。 President Prabowo Subianto highlighted the importance of food self-sufficiency to control inflation and praised efforts to boost national food security. 他还强调民族团结和小规模行动的影响,如扩大大米种植对增加水稻储备的影响。 He also emphasized national unity and the impact of small actions like pompanization in increasing rice reserves.