前学校军官因与一名学生发生性关系被判处18个月监禁。 Former school officer sentenced to 18 months for sexual relationship with a student.
Mason Williams, 俄亥俄州国家轨迹高中前学校资源官,因与一名18岁学生发生性关系被判处18个月监禁。 Mason Williams, a former School Resource Officer at National Trail High School in Ohio, was sentenced to 18 months in prison for having a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old student. Williams在删除了与该学生有关的信息后,被判犯有两起性侵犯和篡改证据罪。 Williams was convicted of two counts of sexual battery and tampering with evidence after deleting messages related to the student. 俄亥俄州检察长Dave Yost强调,这种行为违反了保护学生的义务。 Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost highlighted that this behavior violates the duty to protect students. Williams获释后,必须终生登记为性犯罪人。 Upon release, Williams must register as a sex offender for life.