51 岁的纳科多奇斯男子帕特里克·泰隆·威廉姆斯 (Patrick Tyrone Williams) 因性侵儿童 3 年多而被判终身监禁; 2018年被受害者的母亲发现。 51-year-old Nacogdoches man, Patrick Tyrone Williams, sentenced to life for sexually assaulting a child over 3 years; discovered by victim's mother in 2018.
51 岁的纳科多奇斯男子帕特里克·蒂龙·威廉姆斯 (Patrick Tyrone Williams) 因在三年内性侵犯一名儿童而被判处终身监禁。 51-year-old Nacogdoches man, Patrick Tyrone Williams, has been sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting a child over a span of three years. 受害者的母亲于2018年7月在威廉姆斯的手机上发现了照片,并向警方报案。 The victim's mother discovered pictures on Williams' phone in July 2018 and reported the incident to the police. 侦探们找到了法医证据,并对威廉姆斯发出了逮捕令,他于同月被捕。 Detectives found forensic evidence and an arrest warrant was issued for Williams, who was arrested the same month.