前副手梅森·威廉姆斯被判犯有对一名18岁学生进行性凌虐罪并面临监禁。 Former deputy Mason Williams found guilty of sexually battering an 18-year-old student and faces prison.
Mason Williams, 26岁,前Preble县副县副县长兼学校资源官,被判犯有性侵犯罪,并篡改与一名18岁学生发生关系的证据。 Mason Williams, 26, a former Preble County deputy and school resource officer, has been found guilty of sexual battery and tampering with evidence for having a relationship with an 18-year-old student. Williams删除了学生的留言,导致额外收费。 Williams deleted messages from the student, leading to additional charges. 他面临监狱时间,必须登记为性犯罪人。 He faces prison time and must register as a sexual offender. 这是俄亥俄州总检察长近年来起诉的第四个此类案件。 This is the fourth such case prosecuted by Ohio's Attorney General in recent years. 判刑定于12月16日进行。 Sentencing is scheduled for December 16.