前罪犯Philip Griffin承认 十年前在爱尔兰纵火 杀死父亲和女儿 Ex-convict Philip Griffin confesses to setting fire that killed father and daughter in Ireland a decade ago.
在爱尔兰的一场房屋火灾导致父亲安东尼·奥布莱恩 (Anthony O'Brien) 和女儿娜丁 (Nadine) 丧生十年后,37 岁的菲利普·格里芬 (Philip Griffin) 向警方自首,承认自己在纵火中的作用。 Ten years after a house fire in Ireland killed father Anthony O'Brien and his daughter Nadine, Philip Griffin, 37, turned himself in to police, admitting his role in starting the fire. Griffin和另一个人用打火机燃起沙发,导致Anthony和Nadine死亡。 Griffin and another individual set a couch ablaze with a lighter, leading to the deaths of Anthony and Nadine. 火灾起初被视为意外,但Griffin的供词表明是故意的。 The fire had initially been deemed accidental, but Griffin's confession revealed it was intentional. 格里芬,有41个前科, 表示悔恨和想坐牢。 Griffin, with 41 prior convictions, expressed remorse and a desire to be imprisoned. Kelly O'Brien, Anthony的妻子和Nadine的母亲, 设法逃脱,但脚跟骨折。 Kelly O'Brien, Anthony's wife and Nadine's mother, managed to escape but suffered a fractured heel.