42岁的Phillip Humphrey被判处5年徒刑,罪名是2023年纵火,致使Rochdale家庭无家可归。 42-year-old Phillip Humphrey sentenced to 5 years for arson that left Rochdale family homeless in 2023.
42岁的Phillip Humphrey因于2023年11月在联合王国罗克代尔纵火焚烧一家人的家而被判处五年监禁。 Phillip Humphrey, 42, was sentenced to five years in prison for setting fire to a family's home in Rochdale, UK, in November 2023. 他在错误的复仇中行动,砸碎窗户,最终点燃了房子,使家庭无家可归,财产无法居住。 Acting on a misguided vendetta, he smashed windows and ultimately ignited the house, leaving the family homeless and their property uninhabitable. Humphrey最初逃避抓捕超过两个月,但后来对纵火和刑事损害认罪,承认给受害者造成的痛苦。 Humphrey initially evaded capture for over two months but later pleaded guilty to arson and criminal damage, acknowledging the distress caused to the victims.