埃弗雷斯特医药公司的性结肠炎药物VELSIPITY获得了中国药物监管机构的批准. Everest Medicines' ulcerative colitis drug VELSIPITY gets nod from China’s drug regulator.
总部位于香港的生物制药公司Everest Medicines宣布,其针对VELSIPITY (etrasimod) 的新药申请已被中国国家医疗产品管理局接受. Everest Medicines, a Hong Kong-based biopharmaceutical company, has announced that its New Drug Application for VELSIPITY (etrasimod) has been accepted by China's National Medical Products Administration. VELSIPITY是公司第三批商业化产品,口服治疗中度至重度活性肺炎,是该公司的第三批商业化产品。 VELSIPITY, an oral treatment for moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis, is the company's third commercialized product. 在澳门和新加坡已经批准,中国接受该药物将大大有利于预计到2030年将治疗的约100万美国中央直辖区病人。 Already approved in Macau and Singapore, the drug's acceptance in China could significantly benefit the estimated one million UC patients expected by 2030.