新西兰药房审查为特定的肠癌提供资金,到2024年11月1日使180名病人受益。 New Zealand's Pharmac reviews funding cetuximab for specific bowel cancer, benefiting 180 patients by Nov 1, 2024.
新西兰药物管理局 (Pharmac) 正考虑为一种特定类型的肠癌提供 cetuximab (Erbitux) 资金, 首年将使大约180名患者受益. New Zealand's Pharmaceutical Management Agency (Pharmac) is considering funding cetuximab (Erbitux) for a specific type of bowel cancer, benefiting around 180 patients in the first year. 公众咨询开放至8月23日,可能的资金将于2024年11月1日生效。 Public consultation is open until August 23rd, with potential funding to take effect from November 1st, 2024. 政府于6月向药房提供了额外资金,用于新药和更广泛地获得现有药品,包括癌症和非癌症的健康状况。 The government provided additional funding to Pharmac in June for new medicines and wider access to existing medications, covering both cancer and non-cancer health conditions.