达拉斯市议会成员在寻找新城市经理时, 要求提高透明度, 批评这个过程。 Dallas city council members push for more transparency in the search for a new city manager, criticizing the process.
达拉斯市议员Gay Donnell Willis、Paula Blackmon和Jaynie Schultz正在推动提高透明度, 以寻找新的市政经理, Dallas City Council members Gay Donnell Willis, Paula Blackmon, and Jaynie Schultz are pushing for increased transparency in the search for a new city manager, criticizing the current process. 讨论雇用过程的特别会议因达不到法定人数而失败。 A special meeting to discuss the hiring process failed due to lack of quorum. 由Tennell Atkins领导的特设委员会的目标是在1月之前聘用新经理,规划社区会议,征求公众的意见。 The ad hoc committee led by Tennell Atkins aims to hire the new manager by January, planning community meetings for public input. 搜寻工作持续了近10个月,但由于对时间表的分歧和理事会成员的参与而变得复杂。 The search, ongoing for nearly 10 months, has been complicated by disagreements over the timeline and involvement of council members.