达拉斯选择了三名决赛选手 担任市政经理 面对警察和预算的挑战 Dallas selects three finalists for city manager role, facing police and budget challenges.
达拉斯为市经理职位提名了三位入围者:临时市经理Kim Tolbert、Fort Worth市助理经理William Johnson和萨克拉门托市助理经理Mario Lara。 Dallas has named three finalists for its city manager position: interim city manager Kim Tolbert, Fort Worth assistant city manager William Johnson, and Sacramento assistant city manager Mario Lara. 候选人将在1月与达拉斯居民会面,预计月底作出最后决定。 The candidates will meet with Dallas residents in January, and the final decision is expected by the end of the month. 新的城市管理人员将面临包括警察人员配置和预算问题在内的挑战。 The new city manager will face challenges including police staffing and budget issues.