哥伦比亚公立学校寻找新的校长,发起社区调查,征求投入。 Columbia Public Schools seeks new superintendent, launching community survey for input.
哥伦比亚公立学校在Brian Yearwood退休后正在寻找一名新的校长。 Columbia Public Schools is seeking a new superintendent following Brian Yearwood's retirement. 该区发起了一项社区调查,以收集关于下一任领导人所期望的素质和优先事项的意见,该区在12月29日前开放。 The district has launched a community survey to gather input on the qualities and priorities desired in the next leader, open until December 29. 密苏里学校董事会协会正在协助搜寻,定于1月和2月进行候选人审查和面试。 The Missouri School Boards' Association is assisting in the search, with candidate reviews and interviews scheduled for January and February. 教育委员会旨在利用调查答复指导其决策过程。 The Board of Education aims to use the survey responses to guide their decision-making process.