中国和日本在东京举行第17轮海上协商,讨论东海和平与合作问题。 China and Japan hold 17th round of maritime consultations in Tokyo, discussing peace and cooperation in the East China Sea.
10月24日,中国和日本在东京举行了第十七轮高级别海洋协商,目的是将东中国海转变为和平与合作区。 On October 24, China and Japan conducted their 17th round of high-level maritime consultations in Tokyo, aiming to transform the East China Sea into a zone of peace and cooperation. 关键议题包括海上防御和安全。 Key topics included maritime defense and security. 中国强调其领土和主权关切,同时两国承诺维护两国领导人达成的协议,加强沟通。 China emphasized its territorial and sovereignty concerns while both nations pledged to uphold agreements reached by their leaders and enhance communication. 他们计划明年在中国举行下一轮协商。 They plan to hold the next round of consultations in China next year.