安大略斯特拉特福德以东的翻滚坠毁,留下一人空运到医院,并关闭了7/8号公路,时间长达数小时。 A rollover crash east of Stratford, Ontario, left one person airlifted to the hospital and closed Highway 7/8 for hours.
安大略省斯特拉特福德以东发生一起严重的翻车事故,涉及一辆载有四人的轿车,其中一人被空运到医院。 A serious rollover crash east of Stratford, Ontario, involved a sedan with four people, one of whom was airlifted to the hospital. 车祸于上午11时30分左右发生在靠近110号公路的7/8号公路上,导致109号公路至111号公路的公路关闭数小时。 The crash occurred around 11:30 a.m. on Highway 7/8 near Road 110, causing the highway to be closed from Road 109 to Road 111 for several hours. 珀斯县安大略省警察局敦促司机避开该地区。 The Perth County Ontario Provincial Police urge drivers to avoid the area.