尽管全国经济下滑,西澳大利亚州农民仍然充满信心,计划在成本不断上涨的情况下投资。 Western Australian farmers remain confident despite national downturn, planning to invest amid rising costs.
尽管全国粮食产量有所下降,但西澳大利亚州农民的信心仍然很高,原因是粮食收成比预期的要好,而且商品价格不断上涨。 Despite a national decline, Western Australian farmers' confidence remains high due to a better-than-expected grain harvest and rising commodity prices. 然而,澳大利亚农民的总体信心已经下降到负面,这主要是由于商业成本上升和对干燥天气的担忧。 However, overall Australian farmer confidence has dipped into negative territory, mainly due to rising business costs and concerns about dry weather. 尽管存在这些挑战,近90%的农民计划在未来一年保持或增加农业投资。 Despite these challenges, nearly 90% of farmers plan to maintain or increase farm investments in the coming year.