尽管存在地方和环境方面的关切,瓦拉罗州立森林的石脊采石场项目还是获得批准的。 The Stone Ridge Quarry project in Wallaroo State Forest was approved despite local and environmental concerns.
独立规划委员会批准了Raymond Terrace以北Wallaroo州森林的石脊采石场项目,尽管遭到当地人和环保人士的反对。 The Independent Planning Commission has approved the Stone Ridge Quarry project in the Wallaroo State Forest north of Raymond Terrace, despite opposition from locals and environmentalists. 由澳大利亚资源开发集团管理的采石场将每年开采150万吨岩石,为期30年。 The quarry, run by the Australian Resource Development Group, will extract 1.5 million tonnes of rock annually for 30 years. 虽然有人对交通、生物多样性、空气质量、水资源和噪音提出了关切,但委员会规定了管理潜在影响的条件,包括不断监测和环境管理。 While concerns were raised about traffic, biodiversity, air quality, water resources, and noise, the commission imposed conditions to manage potential impacts, including ongoing monitoring and environmental management.