新西兰法院拒绝在马塔马塔附近受保护土地上进行采石,维护伊丽莎白王后II公约。 New Zealand court rejects quarrying on protected land near Matamata, upholding Queen Elizabeth II covenant.
新西兰上诉法院驳回了Kaimai财产有限公司试图在马塔马塔附近受伊丽莎白女王二世契约保护的土地上采石。 The Court of Appeal in New Zealand has rejected Kaimai Properties Ltd’s attempt to quarry on land protected by a Queen Elizabeth II covenant near Matamata. 该公司为J Swap所有,希望开采42公顷受保护土地上的岩石,以扩大采石作业。 The company, owned by J Swap, wanted to mine andesite rock from 42 hectares of protected land to extend its quarry operations. 然而,法院维持了该《公约》,该《公约》阻止了具有高养护价值的土地的任何开发,并裁定向QEI信托公司支付费用。 However, the court upheld the covenant, which prevents any development on land with high conservation values, and awarded costs to the QEII Trust.