居民担心新的采石场可能淹没澳大利亚斯利顿的历史性桥梁和当地道路。 Residents worry new quarry may overwhelm historic bridge and local roads in Singleton, Australia.
澳大利亚辛格尔顿的居民担心一个新的价值 5-700 万澳元的硬岩采石场 Pittman Quarry,该采石场在 50 年内可能产生 25 亿澳元的销售额。 Residents in Singleton, Australia, are worried about a new $5-7 million hard rock quarry, Pittman Quarry, which could produce $2.5 billion in sales over 50 years. 采石场拟议的卡车路线引起了人们的关切,特别是使用历史性的单行长利桥,而斯利顿理事会担心无法处理增加的交通量。 The quarry's proposed truck routes have raised concerns, especially the use of the historic, single-lane Elderslie Bridge, which Singleton Council fears cannot handle the increased traffic. 正在考虑采用替代路线,但面临其自身的挑战。 Alternative routes are being considered but face their own challenges.