警察处理了一系列严重犯罪,包括袭击和入室盗窃,以及周末的例行电话通话。 Police handled a mix of serious crimes, including assaults and burglaries, and routine calls over the weekend.
几个城市的警察部门在周末对一系列事件作出反应,包括逮捕酒后驾车、噪音投诉和轻微交通违规事件。 Police departments in several cities responded to a range of incidents over the weekend, including DUI arrests, noise complaints, and minor traffic violations. 在詹姆斯敦,若干人被指控殴打、恐吓和入室盗窃。 In Jamestown, several individuals were charged with assault, menacing, and burglary. 在刘易斯镇,一名男子用假钞购买礼品卡,导致因持有大麻和各种袭击而被捕。 In Lewistown, a man used counterfeit bills to buy gift cards, leading to arrests for possession of marijuana and various assaults. 警方正在寻求有关伪造钞票案件的信息。 Police are seeking information on the counterfeit bill case. 总体而言,当局处理的是各种严重犯罪和例行电话。 Overall, authorities dealt with a mix of serious crimes and routine calls.