国王学院的员工在成为涉及一名假未成年人的钓鱼骗局的受害者后辞职。 King's College staff member resigns after falling victim to a catfishing scam involving a fake minor.
King's College的一名工作人员在与据信是15岁男孩的人进行在线性交流后辞职, A staff member at King's College resigned after engaging in online sexual communication with what they believed to be a 15-year-old boy, but it turned out to be a fake identity in a catfishing scam. 警方进行了调查,但发现由于受害人的身份不真实,无法采取任何刑事行动。 Police investigated but found no criminal action could be taken since the victim's identity was not real. 该工作人员先前曾承认与未成年人有不适当的在线行为。 The staff member had previously admitted to inappropriate online behavior with minors.