教师因通过学校平台向学生发送不适当信息而被从注册处除名。 Teacher removed from register for sending inappropriate messages to students via school platform.
爱尔兰的一名中学教师因在几个月内向三名男学生发送数百条不适当的信息而被永久从教师登记册中删除。 A secondary school teacher in Ireland has been permanently removed from the teacher register for sending hundreds of inappropriate messages to three male students over several months. 该教师通过学校的微软团队平台与学生沟通,在深夜、周末和节假日发送信息。 The teacher communicated with the students via the school's Microsoft Teams platform, sending messages late at night, during weekends, and on holidays. 法院认定该教师犯有职业不当行为,禁止他重新申请登记三年。 The court found the teacher guilty of professional misconduct, and he is barred from reapplying to the register for three years. 教师的身份受法庭命令的保护。 The teacher's identity is protected by a court order.