在格拉斯哥港拆除不安全财产的400,000英镑合同由Inverclede理事会授予。 Inverclyde Council awards £400,000 contract for demolition of unsafe properties in Port Glasgow.
Inverclyde理事会授予当地Caskie有限公司400 000英镑的合同,因为出于安全考虑,拆除格拉斯哥港Clune公园庄园138处房产和前建筑物。 Inverclyde Council awarded a £400,000 contract to local firm Caskie Limited for the demolition of 138 properties and former buildings in the Clune Park estate in Port Glasgow due to safety concerns. 拆除工程定于明年初开始,是更大的再开发项目的一部分。 The demolition is set to start early next year and is part of a larger redevelopment project. 理事会已表明致力于支持当地企业,在上一个财政年度与当地供应商共支出2 000万英镑。 The council has shown a commitment to supporting local businesses, spending over £20 million with local suppliers in the past financial year.