调查发现,邮局的文化和错误软件导致对900多名次级主管的错误起诉。 Inquiry finds Post Office's culture and faulty software led to wrongful prosecution of over 900 subpostmasters.
邮政局的"恶性文化"和"对绝对控制的渴望"是1999年至2015年期间对900多名副邮政局长起诉的主要原因. The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry concluded that the Post Office's "malignant culture" and "desire for absolute control" were the primary causes of the prosecution of over 900 subpostmasters between 1999 and 2015. 由于地平线会计软件失灵,导致次级主管账户中出现丢失资金的情况。 Faulty Horizon accounting software led to the appearance of missing money in subpostmasters' accounts. 尽管政府向已宣判有罪的人提供赔偿,但许多人仍在等待付款。 Despite the government offering compensation to those with quashed convictions, many are still awaiting payouts.