印地安那养老基金不顾ESG政策放弃BlackRock, 要求新的管理人员遵守州法律。 Indiana pension fund drops BlackRock over ESG policy, seeks new managers to comply with state law.
印地安那公共退休制度(INPRS)委员会投票决定取消BlackRock管理国家退休基金的权力, 原因是该公司参与ESG的做法, The Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS) board voted to remove BlackRock from managing the state's pension fund due to the firm's involvement in ESG practices, which violate a 2023 Indiana law prohibiting investments aimed at influencing social or environmental policies. INPRS 现在正在寻找另类资产管理公司以遵守该州的反 ESG 法律。 INPRS is now seeking alternative asset managers to comply with the state's anti-ESG law. 批评者担心政治考虑可能会影响养恤基金的业绩。 Critics worry that political considerations could affect the pension fund's performance.