根据 2021 年的州法律,德克萨斯州因 ESG 政策(特别是化石燃料)从贝莱德撤资 85 亿美元。 Texas divests $8.5 billion from BlackRock over ESG policies, particularly fossil fuels, due to a 2021 state law.
出于对全球最大资产管理公司贝莱德 (BlackRock) 环境、社会和公司治理 (ESG) 政策(尤其是与化石燃料相关的政策)的担忧,德克萨斯州决定从该公司撤资 85 亿美元。 Texas has decided to divest $8.5 billion from BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, due to concerns over the firm's environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) policies, particularly those related to fossil fuels. 此举符合德克萨斯州 2021 年起的一项法律,该法律限制对参与抵制石油和天然气行业的公司进行投资。 This move is in line with a Texas law from 2021 which restricts investments in companies participating in boycotts of the oil and gas sector. 德克萨斯州永久学校基金每年管理约 10 亿美元的石油和天然气特许权使用费,该基金已终止与贝莱德的财务管理合同,理由是其有保护德克萨斯州学校的信托责任。 The Texas Permanent School Fund, managing around $1 billion in annual oil and gas royalties, has terminated its financial management contract with BlackRock, citing its fiduciary duty to protect Texas schools.