迈阿密Dade的一位屋主开枪射杀一名涉嫌闯入者,此人住院治疗状况稳定。 A homeowner in Miami-Dade shot a suspected intruder, who was hospitalized in stable condition.
西北迈阿密Dade的一位屋主开枪射杀了一名他相信想在星期天早上闯进他家的人。 A homeowner in Northwest Miami-Dade shot a man he believed was trying to break into his home on Sunday morning. 被指控的嫌疑人以稳定状态被送往医院。 The alleged suspect was taken to the hospital in stable condition. 邻居们把该地区描述为一般宁静的地区,强调需要在节日期间提高警惕。 Neighbors, describing the area as typically quiet, emphasized the need for increased vigilance during the holiday season. 当局正在调查这起事件,敦促任何有情报的人站出来。 Authorities are investigating the incident, urging anyone with information to come forward.